About the kind of projects we work on.
Elastic (Flexgrid) Optical Networks
Elastic optical network (Flexgrid) poses new challenges in provisioning, grooming, and protection, as well as new opportunities. How do we efficiently provision connections with heterogeneous spectrum bandwidths? How serious is spectrum fragmentation, and how do we deal with it? How do we take advantage of the elasticity of new transponders, in terms of electronic grooming and protection? And so on.
Please refer to the following publications for more details on what we have been working on.
- Rui Wang and Biswanath Mukherjee, "Provisioning in elastic optical networks with non-disruptive defragmentation," in the 17th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Telecom-Bretagne, Brest, France, April, 2013.
- Shuqiang Zhang, Charles Martel, and Biswanath Mukherjee,"Dynamic Traffic Grooming in Elastic Optical Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, No. 1, January, 2013.
- Menglin Liu, Massimo Tornatore and Biswanath Mukherjee, "Survivable Traffic Grooming in Elastic Optical Networks - Shared Protection," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.31, No.6, pp. 903-909, March 15, 2013.
- Rui Wang and Biswananth Mukherjee, "Spectrum Management in Heterogeneous Bandwidth Networks," in the Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Anaheim, CA, USA, December, 2012.