
Workshop on Optical Networks (2013)

Summer 2012: 9.30 AM to Noon

Venue: 1131, Kemper Hall, UC Davis (Map)

General Coordinator


  • Ferhat Dikbiyik (fdikbiyik *at*


Group Group Coordinator/Leader Members
ASaigopal Thota (sthota *at* Nandi
Partha Bhaumik
Sanchita Dey
BRichard (Rui) Wang (ruiwang *at* Menglin Liu
Sifat Ferdousi
Uttam Mandal
Naima Rishna
CRennie Archibald (rvarchibald *at* Ahmed Ahmedin
Kartik Pandit
Ross Gegan
Saeedeh Komijani
DChaitanya Vadrevu (svadrevu *at* Carlos Colman
Liyuan Wang
Mehdi Malboubi
Mohammad R. Rahman
Han Liu

Meeting Dates

Meeting Date Discussion Led By Homework (suggested to complete before the meeting)
0Friday, July 13, 2012IntroductionProf. Biswanath MukherjeeRead lessons 1 and 2
1Monday, July 16, 2012Lesson 3: ActionsGroup ARead lesson 3 and do exercises 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and even-numbered questions in exercises 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7
2Wednesday, July 18, 2012Lesson 4: CharactersGroup BRead lesson 4 and solve even-numbered questions in exercises 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6
3Friday, July 20, 2012Lesson 5: Cohesion and CoherenceGroup CRead lesson 5 and do exercise 5.4 and even-numbered questions in exercises 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3
4Monday, July 23, 2012Lesson 6: EmphasisGroup DRead lesson 6 and solve even-numbered questions in exercises 6.1 and 6.2
5Wednesday, July 25, 2012Lesson 7: ConcisionGroup BRead lesson 7 and do exercise 7.2 and even-numbered questions in exercises 7.1, 7.3, and 7.4
6Friday, July 27, 2012Lesson 8: ShapeGroup CRead lesson 8 and do exercise 8.3 and even-numbered questions in exercises 8.1 and 8.2
7Monday, July 30, 2012Lesson 9: EleganceGroup ARead lesson 9 and do exercises 9.1, 9.4, and even-numbered questions in exercises 9.2 and 9.3
8Wednesday, August 01, 2012Lesson 10: Motivating Coherence
Lesson 11: Global Coherence
Group D and
Group B
Read lessons 10 and 11
9Friday, August 03, 2012Lesson 12: The Ethics of Style
Appendix: Punctuation
Group A and
Group D
Read lesson 12 and appendix and do exercises A.1 and A.2
